3 life-changing apps for people with a disability.

3 life-changing apps for people with a disability.


Today I want to explore something that really interests me, incredible applications of technology that assist people living with disabilities. I've been scouring the internet for apps that might or might not be available right at this moment, if not they have campaigns to get funded.


The First, is Talkitt an application that is still in the development stage but will improve the lives of those with consistent speech impairments. This app will not only change the life of the person with the impairment, it has the potential to change the lives for everyone around them. The app is able to recognise indecipherable language and translate this into clear communication. 

The above video really explains the app a lot better than I ever could. 

After doing some research it appears that Talkitt would be available on any smartphone or tablet. Later it would run on PC's, laptops and wearable devices.

RogerVoice- Phone calls made possible for the deaf and hard of hearing. RogerVoice is a real-time voice transcriber that uses your iPhone or Android device to make calls. When the person on the other end responds their voice is instantly converted to text with the user being able to type a response and this is then dictated or they can choose to speak. The reviews in the app store speak for themselves, "Totally changed my life, gave me the additional independence that I never had before!"

Be my eyes - Lend your eyes to the blind.
Another application of technologies that really blew me away when I stumbled upon it. Bemyeyes is an incredible application of video streaming, cloud integration and many other astounding technologies working in unison. The premise behind Bemyeyes is that a person who is blind requests assistance through the app to help with a question they may have. The app then connects them via streaming video to an available volunteer who can assist them with their query.

The way in which technology is continually evolving to assist people with disability astounds me. We are able to provide businesses with technological solutions that can enable them to be more secure, work faster and smarter. The solutions that we provide also enable, through the latest technologies inclusion and a more supportive workplace. To read more about Microsoft Office and the accessibility features, click here.